Continuing on the theme of how and why communicating research is so important, Dr Frank Burnet, Emeritus Professor of Science Communications, has made available two e-books guiding us through the topic. Worth a read…The two handbooks, ‘Why and how to communicate your research‘ and ‘Taking science to people‘ have recently been published on David Bradley’s and at Frank Burnet’s own site here and here. They are components of masterclasses he delivers around the world to scientists and science communicators. It’s worth taking a read of these publications. Burnet has many, many years of experience in the area and is well respected expert in the area of science communications.


Why and how to communicate your research – Dr Frank Burnet

Taking Science to People – Dr Frank Burnet

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One Response to Guides on ‘why and how to communicate your research’ now available

  1. Arthur says:

    Superb details! I have been browsing for things like this for quite a while today. Thank you!

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